Sustainability of Sumitomo Shoji Machinex
The Sumitomo Business Spirit, the foundation of the Sumitomo Corporation Group's 400 years of sustainable development, is at the heart of the Sumitomo Corporation Group.
One of these business principles is "Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same." and I believe that this is about not only delivering value to myself but also delivering value to the society that surrounds us and achieving growth together.
This is consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015. The Sumitomo Corporation Group identifis the materiality to be addressed by the Group based on the SDGs, Sumitomo's business philosophy and the Group Management Principles.
To resolve this materiality, we, as a hoping for the development of social and industrial infrastructure,and provides and creates value through business activities , support all stakeholders on the frontlines of technological innovation, environmental initiatives and manufacturing, and strive for sustainable development of society .
Today, the question of how to tackle the issues facing society through business activities is once again a major one. To achieve sustainable growth with society in the future, we have identified important issues that must be addressed on a priority basis by leveraging our own strengths through our business activities, based on the Sumitomo Business Spirit and the Sumitomo Corporation Group's management philosophy.
Materiality of Sumitomo Corporation
SDGs in specific processes of "materiality"
In addition to referring to international guidelines such as the SDGs adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and the IIRC Integrated Reporting Framework (*2), we exchanged views with institutional investors and intellectuals to explore ways we can identify key issues for sustainable growth with society.
*1 Abbreviation of 1 Sustainable Development Goals. 17 goals that include global challenges to 2030. Adopted by all Member States (193) in 2015 by the UN General Assembly.
*2 2 is a framework published by the International Integrated Reporting Council for the evolution of corporate reporting that presents, in a clear, concise, and comparable manner, significant information (financial and non-financial) that describes the ability to create value over time.